Amidst the vast expanse of the cosmos, a whisper emerges, woven in starlight and bathed in dreams. Rime Arodaky, drawing from the ethereal dance of celestial bodies, unveils "Astral" – a bridal collection inspired by the mysteries of the universe and the spiritual realms beyond our sight.
Every wedding gown, every stitch speaks of the constellations, of the mysteries beyond our mortal realm, echoing the grandeur of galaxies and the whispered tales of comets.
To every bride who believes that her love story is written in the stars, who feels the pull of the universe when meeting her soulmate, who dreams in shades of night skies and stardust – "Astral" is for you.
The bridal designs are not mere fabrics but resonances of cosmic ballets. They shine, shimmer, and resonate with the ethereal dance of celestial bodies.
We believe every soul is bound to another, tethered by invisible threads across the cosmos. This bridal collection is an ode to these fateful unions, destined to dance amidst the stars.
"Astral" is more than a bridal collection; it’s an experience, a voyage. A wedding journey through starry nights, a meeting of souls, and a celebration of destinies written in starlight.
Dive into bridal designs that echo the graceful curves of celestial paths, fabrics that shimmer like starlit skies, and embroideries that map destinies and dreams.
As our brides wear "Astral", they don’t just wear a wedding dress. You adorn yourself with the universe, with dreams woven in starlight, and with the age-old tales of love that the cosmos whispers in the quiet of the night.
Welcome to "Astral" by Rime Arodaky – Where the Universe and Love Unite.