Feelthemagicwith Rime’s 10thanniversarybridal collection.Inspired byall thegoddesseswho have been ourmost gracefulambassadors over thelast decade, and who arereadytofly intothe mostspiritualjourney with theirsoulmate
She, whoradiatesthelight. She, whodanceswith thespiritof the sun,loveswith the strength ofwildwater,moveswith themoodsof the moon, andcreateswith the wills of thewind.Magnetic. Magic. She is agoddess.
She willcarry youto anotherplacehigh abovethis worldof ours. She willshow youmany thingsincludingall herpowers..
Shetellsme torespectall beings and otherworldlythings thatonlyher eyescan see.